We've had some pretty epic new arrivals here at the 'Still Museum'. Including my very first DC Superhero Girl doll, my Alice Through the Looking Glass doll and even a water sprite. Hopefully I'll get to all of that in a future post.

I'd also like to do a round of review of all the reroots I've done. Point out some things I've learned, how I've changed my tactics between heads and what my plans are for future reroots.

I'd also like to start my sewing series. Might have to wait until I set up my sewing machine... That may take a few weeks.

Anyway, lots of cool things happening here in the Museum. I can't wait to share it all here.

Some of my fellow collectors have a love/hate relationship with eBay. For me, it has almost always been a blessing.

It has allowed me to get items that I otherwise would have never been able to get. A prime example is the San Diego Comic Con exclusive Green Lantern barbie.

These 3 arrived at the same time.

She was a SDCC exclusive long before I started collecting. If it weren't for eBay, I would never have gotten my hand on her, and not at the half-decent price that I did.

Super glad to have got her.

Check out my Flick Page for more images of my Ava Duvernay doll!

My Ava Duvernay has shipped.

So far I haven't spotted any photos of her on flickr. That will change soon!

Sent her to a service to forward her straight to Bermuda. I should have her in my hands in about a month!

 Lots more updates coming! I get my purchases in waves, because I send them to my sister and she sends them to me in bulk. I got a pretty big bag just recently... ;) Stay tuned!

If you're interested check out the cool interview with Ava about the release and wild success of her doll.
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The night is still young (How dare we sit quietly)
The night is still young (And watch the world pass us by)
The night is still young (How dare we sit quietly)
So are we

"The Night is Still Young" by Nicki Minaj

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