Orphan Black: The Characters - Part 1


Over on my main blog, The Critical Artist, I'm going to be talking about Season 3 of Orphan Black. So, I thought this would be a great time to talk about my Orphan Black doll series.

I've been teasing it on my Flickr account for a while now, only showing group shots. But now, I'm ready to talk about them in more detail.

Orphan Black is a show that that stars the AMAZING Tatiana Maslany. She plays multiple characters, all of which are clones, as they try to figure out the mystery of why they were made and what they should do with their lives now that they know. Its a high energy, fun show, with all the beloved cable TV tropes: sex, vivid action, focused writing.

My dolls:

This was the last photo I took. Only a few things have changed since then.

Each character will be displayed in their most iconic outfit.

Well... most iconic to me.

For some, that was pretty easy and their outfits are already complete. These are the ones I'm going to talk about now.


Cosima, the scientist, had to be in her red coat.


She was the first one finished actually. Mainly because she didn't get a repaint like the other early ones.

Here she is early in the process. Right after I finsihed her wool roving reroot.

Cosima is technically my very first reroot! I always forget to include her.

The red jacket and dress are actually Clear-Lan pieces.

So glad I got them. They are near perfect. 

Once I added some patterned tights...

The whole outfit went to the next level!

For her final look, I plan to alternate between the ponytail and a bun updo. It'll change based on my mood, I predict.


The second clone to be completed was Helena, the crazy one.
She was the first reroot and repaint combo. 

The outfit was easy.

I just wanted her in the slip she wears when she and Sarah have their first knowing confrontation.

Maybe one day I'll send her off to get these painted on her back...



Sarah wasn't difficult exactly... I just didn't know what to pick between two choices.

I either wanted the Pilot outfit from when we first met her....

Or her on the run outfit from the beginning of season 2...

I chose the red one because it is more definitive but, I reserve the right to make the blue one as well!
Now, I won't walk you through the really early stuff, but here's the the first half.

Pictured boots are not final. These were from a S.I.S. doll.

Stardoll shorts. Barbie Director boots (final choice).  Opaque black tights cut above the knee with sheer black tights pulled over them. 

The top was the difficult part.  I commissioned Levitation Fashion on Etsy to make the top for me. (This was before I decided to start making doll clothes myself.)

The stripes were the curious part. Nina basically drew the lines on. 

So cool. By drawing them on, she was able to recreate the transparent element of the stripes, with the red peaking through. The red is a little bright but it still works.

The bra is a basic bra that came with an ebay oufit I bought. Nothing special, but, again, it works.

She still needs a reroot, but I have her hair and I'll get to it eventually.

The repaint may happen... Most likely. 

Sarah is my favourite character. I think she has to have a repaint.

So that is it for now. The remaining characters (pictured above) are no where near comeplete. They have both been repainted and rerooted, so I like to photograph them. I'm probably going to make their clothes myself and they are so far down on my list... 

I'm in no rush though. Orphan Black has been renewed for a 4th season. I like to work on these dolls in anticipation of the new season. 

That's my excuse.

P.S. I go into detail about these 3's face modifications & plans HERE.

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1 comment:

The night is still young (How dare we sit quietly)
The night is still young (And watch the world pass us by)
The night is still young (How dare we sit quietly)
So are we

"The Night is Still Young" by Nicki Minaj

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