New Arrivals

So, I've had a few new babies arrive recently! These babies arrived a while back. They are my first purchases from the 2015 Barbie Fashionista line. There are so many exciting dolls in this line. So far these are the only must

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Mercy Thompson - Part 2

Mercy Thompson is this baddass book character that's a mechanic and a coyote shape shifter. She's also famous for her tattoos; and a Mercy doll is incomplete with out them! In this part, we talk clothes &, of course, tattoos.

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Gotham City Sirens: Poison Ivy Inspiration

I am so excited right now, because things are coming together for a certain collection of mine. My GOTHAM CITY SIRENS. First up POISON IVY!

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Mercy Thompson - Part 1

So this is long overdue. I've had my Mercy Thompson doll for over a year now, I think. Let's dig in.

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2015 Doll Plans - Part 1

My room got messy.  I lost the contract. And, of course, lazy me, I never reprinted it. I have it again, but... things have changed dramatically since I last made it, so it is basically an obsolete document now. For example,

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The night is still young (How dare we sit quietly)
The night is still young (And watch the world pass us by)
The night is still young (How dare we sit quietly)
So are we

"The Night is Still Young" by Nicki Minaj

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